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Posted by NergiZed |
Mod news: 1.86 Development Update VIII |
8th September 2015 |
Hello everyone, we're back again with another update for ROTR development.
The Russian Kodiak has received an additional model to add a bit of visual variety for your large tank divisions.

GLA fighters revel in the irony of American warplanes being shot down by their own anti-air missile systems. The FIM-92 Stinger, acquired by the GLA through their extensive black market connections, remains one of the most effective anti-air weapons even though it is almost a century old. Stinger soldiers are usually grouped in three at specific locations, nicknamed 'stinger sites', where hostile aircraft traverse often. Lately however these sites have become easier for bombers to target and destroy, resulting in the mobile Ural trucks transporting stinger soldiers between locations, and even the soldiers themselves hiding among the foliage and striking when the aircraft pilot least expects it. Because of their large Stinger launcher they can't carry any secondary weapon heavier than a personal defense weapon, most commonly a pistol.
As always, we would like to remind all of you out there that there will be another 1.851 test build live stream on this Sunday:

Countdown until the stream starts
Also, in case you missed our last stream, you can check it out on our Youtube channel here.
Posted by NergiZed |
Mod news: Patch 1.851 Development Update VII |
8th September 2015 |
Hello everyone, we're back again with another update for ROTR development.
In this update we will showcase the second part of GLA structure updates.

Continuing with our improvement of the GLA tunnel models, the Arms Dealer now invokes the appearance of a more permanent facility thanks to its walled base and the elevator superstructure on top of it.

The humble Hideout also looks more interesting now after we added some communications equipment and a camouflage net above the entrace. Keep in mind that these changes are strictly visual, as the GLA's access to the minimap and General Powers is still their Mobile Command Truck.
The previous two and these two new structures are now availible in the latest test build here. (remember that you need a forum account to access this)
As always, we would like to remind all of you out there that there will be another 1.851 test build live stream on this Sunday:

Countdown until the stream starts
Also, in case you missed our last stream, you can check it out on our Youtube channel here.
Posted by NergiZed |
Mod news: Patch 1.851 Development Update VI |
8th September 2015 |
Hello everyone, we're back again with another update for ROTR development.
In this update we will tackle a very old problem once and for all out of its existence with newly updated GLA structures.

First off is the new GLA Barracks tunnel which is now significantly smaller in footprint matching the size of Barracks structures of other factions.

Second is the new Supply Stash which no longer works like a tunnel network but has some other useful features instead.
Rather than functioning like a tunnel it can provide shelter to 6 workers protecting them from harms way and also healing them while inside.
Next week we will be releasing a new test build that will include both these structures and yet to be revealed Armsdealer and Hideout structures.
As always, we would like to remind all of you out there that there will be another 1.851 test build live stream on this Sunday:

Countdown until the stream starts
Also, in case you missed our last stream, you can check it out on our Youtube channel here.
Posted by NergiZed |
Mod news: Patch 1.851 Development Update V |
8th September 2015 |
Hello everyone, we're back again with another update for ROTR development.
I would like to let everyone know that we are getting close to rounding up this patch and are now mainly focusing on fixing bugs and minor balance issues.
Once these have all be sorted out and resolved the patch will be ready for release.

Vissual update for this week is a updated model for everyones favorite Chinese Overlord Tank.
If you want to compare it to the old model we used you can find the old render here on ModDB : Old Overlord model
As always, we would like to remind all of you out there that there will be another 1.851 test build live stream on this Sunday:

Countdown until the stream starts
Also, in case you missed our last stream, you can check it out on our Youtube channel here.
Posted by NergiZed |
Mod news: Patch 1.851 Development Update IV |
8th September 2015 |
Hello everyone, we're back again with another update for ROTR development.
First of all, I would like to let all of you know that there is a new test build available for early testing in the public beta testing forum here (Remember that you need a forum account to access this)
Also in this new test build, we decided to separate the GPS scrambler upgrade from the Observation Van and make it into its own distinct unit:

The Scrambler Track is a mobile GPS scrambler that functions much like the old Observation Van with the GPS scrambler upgrade.
However the Scrambler Track can also activate a jamming pulse which will not only stun enemy vehicles for a short time, but also render them unselectable for a little longer.
As always, we would like to remind all of you out there that there will be another 1.851 test build live stream on this Sunday:

Countdown until the stream starts
Also, in case you missed our last stream, you can check it out on our Youtube channel here.